
“Are you building a business based on what you want or on what you think others expect?”

Are you building a business based on what you want or on what you think others expect?

Owning your own business should have some benefits and one of the biggest is the ability and control to build a business that you love.  A business that brings you your version of success and that gives you an income to live the lifestyle you choose.

Why then, do I speak to a lot of business owners who spend a lot of time and worry building a business based on others version of success?   E.g. posts from so called “experts” promoting a 6 figure business as the holy grail.

My advice to anyone running their own business is to think what you really want from your business.  Yes, it needs to be profitable but if you want to work 7 days a week, do it.  If you want to work 2 days a week, do it.  If you want six figures or more go for it.  If you don’t want to grow bigger because what you have suits you then don’t feel you are any less by sticking at the level, you are at. 


Work out what income you need to live your chosen lifestyle?  It may be lavish it may be more frugal but what will make you smile and feel like you have the perfect life/job.

Once you decide what you want from your business then make the time to build exactly what you want.  Wishing and hoping is never a way to build a business.  Instead map out the next year of action taking. Perhaps you map out the next 5 years.  It’s your business and if you know how you want it to look, building it becomes much simpler.  Set yourself goals and targets that you reassess at regular intervals.  Make sure you tweak as you go adjusting to increase your income or reduce your working hours.

Outsource or employ if needed. Do whatever you have to do to build the business you want and achieve the success that can only be defined by you. 

If you are happy in your work and life, then you have achieved success.  You could be a billionaire or happily earning enough to cover your bills, holidays, life insurance and pension pot. 

Take advice from those who have got to where you want to be but always build a business you love not what you think others expect you to build.