
Shoe Laces and Chewing Gum Business Advice



Shoe Laces and Chewing Gum – Top Business Advice

If you fall, get back up and go again. But first check your shoelaces are not undone!

I have spoken to a few business owners this week who have either felt their motivation waning or their sales dropping after the energetic rush of the New Year.

It’s not just the end of January that can lead to people falling off their action taking ambitions they had only a few weeks ago. This can happen anytime to business owners.  I think it is to be expected as all of life has ebbs and flows and as we all know, life likes to throw in curveballs when we least expect them.

If you have let a few things go that you know you should be doing for your business, then imagine this scenario:

You are carrying a tray of champagne glasses to a table. 10 glasses full of bubbles. But just as you get close, one of those glasses slides sideways, taking two others with it. Three glasses crash to the floor.

Do you….

Keep walking to the table to deliver the remaining glasses and smile to the customer as you tell them you will just go back and get three more?


Look at your tray, frustrated at the falling glasses, throw the whole tray to one side, breaking and spilling all the glasses and walk off in a strop?

This analogy is great to compare to business owners. As a business owner, you will fall on occasions, you will let things slide and life curveballs are often thrown at you.

The key to your success is to never throw the tray of glasses and give up everything. We all lose a few glasses but the key is how you react. If you have let things slide, just pick yourself up, tie your shoelaces, get some gum to stick on the bottom of the champagne glasses and go again.

Be kind to yourself. Business has ups and downs and those that win are those that ride the roller coaster, learning as they go and never giving up.

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