

How often do you look to be something different? How often do you tell yourself you need to change yourself to fit in? How often do you forget to look at who you really are? How often do you change who you are to fit in?

I think we are all guilty of beating ourselves up and conforming to what we think we should be. We worry about how others perceive us, and we change things to conform. But, should we really worry what others think? Should we really be something different and feel bad when we struggle to change ourselves?

Your business is no different. We all have to work on our businesses but despite all that you hear, you don’t have to be a carbon copy of someone else to get success. Of course, we all learn from others and it is good to pick up good practice, but you don’t need to lose the essence of who you really are. 

Time to stop beating yourself up and embrace your awesomeness instead. Of course, as humans we all need to be kind, caring and empathetic and treat others as we like to be treated, but you don’t have to be something completely different to get the results you want.

Take some time today to embrace all your wonderful uniqueness. Stop chasing what you believe you have to be like and instead embrace who you are. Run your business your way. Take advice from those you respect and learn along the way, but please don’t make yourself a carbon copy of another’s journey, or worse, believe that if you do your business will grow. The truth is it just won’t work, no matter how much you try.  Embrace YOU and know you are enough to get the success you want if you show up consistently and persistently as the unique YOU.

Thanks x