
Time to really CARE about your customers

I want to write to you today to spur you on to achieve more. Coming back to business after lock down is not easy and it is likely you are on lower income but working more hours. The toll of everyday life will be having an effect whether you consciously feel it or not.

Just going to the shop now is a changed experience for us all. Hand sanitiser at the door and masks worn by all. One-way directions and trying to make yourself heard to a person behind a screen whilst still wearing your mask.

Take some time today to think about your own customer care experience post lock down. It may be that your business is all online and you don’t have the restrictions that bricks, and mortar businesses have but if you have been forced to make changes you need to work hard to ensure your customer care is excellent.

Customers love good service and right now the businesses that will win are those that appreciate that and put it into action.

 Customer care is still the most important part of your business. As I always say “good” is not good enough. Your customer care needs to be “excellent” at all times. Here are my tips for customer care:

– Really CARE about your clients. If you truly care, it will shine through in what you do.

– Be mindful that your clients are likely to be stressed, anxious. You need to make them feel reassured that you are following all the rules and your business is “safe”.

– Make sure you clearly explain to clients any new protocols you are putting in for how your business runs. An informed client is a happy client.

– Overserve your customers with your care. I am not talking discounts and extra time but simple things like making them feel welcome. Helping those that need help and going the extra mile to provide your service.

– Go through your customer journey. Is it seamless? Do you have an easy way for them to find and contact you? How easy it is for them to book? How will you respond? What will happen during your work with your client? What will happen after?

 Every business will have a different structure to their customer care. You may be selling a service or a product and for each comes different things to do. One thing that you can all do is be empathetic to your customers right now. Smile even if you don’t feel like smiling (even behind a mask you can know if someone is smiling) and make a difference to every customer you serve. Customer care does not have to cost you more, it feels good to do it and will get you customers who rush to use your services/buy from you again and again. Even better they will tell friends and family about you too.

What are you waiting for? Don’t overlook customer care, it really is the life blood of any successful business.