
Why comparison is a complete waste of your time and energy

  • you compare yourself to others
  • you waste time wishing you were more like others
  • you think others have it easy or worse the are lucky!!

Ask yourself this question – Why, why, why do you insist on comparing yourself to others?

The truth about comparison is it doesn’t ever help you.  All that happens is you lack confidence in you and your own ability.  You then stop taking action to reach your own goals lose faith in your own beliefs and eventually just give up!!

Time to call out the bullshit of comparison with others:

People are very rarely leading the lives they portray or that you perceive.  Our imaginations are vivid, and we forget that everyone has their own anxieties and battles.  We only see a small part of any person’s life.  Your mind will make up its own story about others life/business being perfect but that is not the true story. No one has the perfect life!! Stop thinking others have it better and concentrate on getting what you want instead.

You are you and there is no point comparing yourself to anyone else.  Wishing you were someone else is ridiculous and a waste of your time and energy. STOP IT!!  Comparing yourself to others is guaranteed to slow down your own progress.  It will stop you in your tracks.  It will hold you back from achieving things you want to achieve.

Instead embrace you and who you are.  Enjoy that freedom of not needing to be “like” anyone else.  Free yourself from comparison instead find role models that you admire and can follow.   Be positive in your journey to success instead of holding yourself back with the ridiculous game of comparison.  Don’t waste any more time……Be YOU and be proud

Are you guilty of comparison?