
Why you need to STOP

Running your own business is an awesome thing to do but it can also be a tough journey as you navigate the ups and downs.  Let’s face it, currently running your own business is tricky with all the restrictions on working, loss of income, and the general anxiety caused by uncertainty.

This is the time that you need to STOP.  You need to regroup and take stock of where you are.  I know it may seem counter-intuitive to STOP but I promise it really will help.

Looking after your own well being is essential for everyone but often as busy business owners, we forget how important it is in helping us run a successful business.  Don’t underestimate the improvements you will have in your business if you just look after yourself a  bit better.  Here are 5 things you can do

  1. STOP and take time off. Constantly working on or in your business is conducive to overwhelm, frustration and its likely you will fall out of love with your business.
  2. Every day make time just for you. A minimum of 10 mins every day.  Turn off all distractions.  You could read a book, take up journaling, call a friend or just sit and do nothing.  No excuses you have 1440 minutes in each day.  You can spare 10 mins.
  3. Positive affirmations are a great way to boost your mindset. Make up your own or google for some to inspire you.
  4. Move – commit to moving more. 10 mins every day as a minimum.  Walk, run, skip, dance – you choose what makes you smile

CARE OF SELF is one of my key COMMIT TO ACHIEVE principles.  Don’t ignore it as something that is an aside to your business success.  Instead commit to your well being and see the results you get.