
“I don’t give a sip” about what others think!

“I don’t give a sip” about what others think


Well, that is not 100% true I do give a sip sometimes.  I am human and I think it is impossible not to care about what others think. But in the main I don’t worry about others thoughts on me.  They may think I talk too fast, I wave my arms too wildly or they may just plain not like what I say and do.

It’s easy to say “don’t sorry about what others say” but it is harder to put that into action.  Here are my top tips to help:

  1. Live your life/business from a point of genuine kindness and empathy. Know that you give out to others your best self. You are not mean, unkind, or judgemental
  2. Don’t look to others for validation, instead get comfortable in your own skin. Be your own best friend instead of being self-critical.  Look in the mirror daily and smile at yourself in the knowledge that you are your own best friend. 
  3. Stop comparing yourself to others. Comparisonitis is the thief of all joy and will make you feel unworthy and will destroy your own confidence.
  4. Deliver awesome customer care and service to your customers. Care what they think and surprise them by over delivering when ever you can.

Do you “give a sip”?  Or do you have a tough exterior that just doesn’t care?